Justice for Leonard Peltier

Leonard Peltier born 12. September 1944 in Grand Fork, North Dakota

Free Leonard Peltier
Happy Birthday, dear Leonard Peltier

Dear Leonard Peltier!

Wir kennen die Geschichte der American Natives, wir kennen insbesondere die tragische Geschichte der Lakota, wir kennen Deine Geschichte, Bruder Leonard Peltier! Wir wissen, welches Unrecht durch unsere europäischen Vorfahren den Vorfahren der American Natives angetan wurde. Wir wissen aber auch, welches Unrecht die heutige USA Tag für Tag - jahraus, jahrein - an ihren Ureinwohnern begeht. Wir wissen, welches Unrecht Tag für Tag – jahraus, jahrein – seit 38 Jahren Dir zugefügt wird, Du Bruder unserer Herzen, Leonard Peltier! Wir kennen Deinen verzweifelten Kampf, während in der übrigen Welt ein neues Zeitalter angebrochen ist:  Höre die Trommeln, sie rufen! Alle Menschen, die guten Willens sind, tanzen den Geistertanz, die weiße Büffelkalbfrau bereitet ihre Rückkehr vor: Die Wahrheit drängt zum Licht, Unrecht wird gesühnt werden! Sei frei! Dieses Lied singen wir für Dich zu Deinem 69. Geburtstag am 12. September – es ist ein altes deutsches Volkslied aus einer Zeit, in der es auch in Deutschland gefährlich war, politische Wahrheit zu äußern :


„Und sperrt man mich ein im finsteren Kerker, das alles sind rein, vergebliche Werke; denn meine Gedanken zerreißen die Schranken und Mauern entzwei:

Die Gedanken sind frei!“


Happy Birthday, dear Leonard Peltier, be free in your heart and in your mind, we stand behind you and fight for you. Love and blessings



FREE Leonard Peltier
Happy Birthday, dear Leonard Peltier

Dear Leonard Peltier!


We are aware of the history of the Native Americans, and of the particularly tragic Lakota history; and above all, we know about your personal history, Brother Leonard Peltier!  We are aware of the injustices our European forefathers inflicted on the forefathers of today's American Natives.  However, we also know that what is now the USA continues to inflict injustices on its American Natives - day in, day out.  We are aware of the injustice you have suffered - day in, day out, for the past 39 years; you, Leonard Peltier, whom we think of as a kindred spirit.   We know about your desperate fight for justice. It has lasted so long that the world has now moved into a new era, the age of the internet.  And still - the drums continue to call out to those who can hear them. All human beings everywhere whose hearts are true have never stopped dancing the Ghost Dance; Buffalo Calf Road Woman is preparing her return:


The truth will out; justice will be done!

Be free!

We shall be singing a song in honour of your 70th birthday on 12 September, far away here in Germany, and yet so close to you in spirit. It is a German folk song which people have been singing for the past 150 years – whenever it has been dangerous to voice political truths. We would like to share the third verse with you:


And if I am thrown into the darkest dungeon,

their efforts will still be in vain;

because my mind can break down all gates

and tear all walls apart: Your thoughts are always free!


Happy Birthday, dear Leonard Peltier, remember that you will always be free in your heart and in your mind; you have people behind you who are fighting for you.


Love and blessings



HE is free

In the age of 80,

49  years in prison

President Joe Biden pardoned him and sentenced him to "house arrest" in his home in South Dakota. This act of clemency was long overdue. An innocent man sentenced to two "life sentences" can finally go home! Thank you Mr. President Joe Biden!